Mick and I are taking a trip to England next week and whilst it is an opportunity to see his family, for me it is also going to be a research trip.
I have been to London many times, and this made choosing the city for my setting much less intimidating. Now that the novel is written, I have a pretty good idea of most of the locations in the book. The purpose of my research in London will be mostly to take photos, soak up some atmosphere (and hopefully some inspiration), and make sure that my chosen locations make sense.
Somerset House, the Strand, London
This was the queen's residence during the time I'm writing about.
Today is the first day I started planning, and I began by writing up a rough list of locations I need to visit:
Royal Exchange
Primrose Hill
Somerset House
Tower of London
Westminster Abby
Banqueting House
St Martins-in-the-Fields
There will, of course, be many more. I've already been to many of these locations, but this time I will return with my novel in mind. For example, the Tower of London houses the crown jewels, and I want to look at the items made for Charles II's coronation in 1661 because one of my characters was apprentice to the goldsmith who made them.
Okay, if you insist, I'll come, too! LOL! :) It just looks like such a fabulous trip--have a great time!
Posted by: Becky Levine | July 24, 2009 at 01:26 PM
Holly, I have been--once for four wonderful days almost 15 years ago. I didn't see most of those stops, I did the museums and just walked around the courts in awe of how much it was still like Dickens. I was in heaven. Have a great time!
Posted by: Becky Levine | July 24, 2009 at 01:32 PM
Oooh how you suffer for your art! The pain of looking at the crown jewels and touring London! Save all your reciepts and you can write off the trip on your tax's.
Posted by: creatress | July 24, 2009 at 02:29 PM
I know, huh? Why do you think I picked my favorite city as the setting for my book?
Posted by: Holly West | July 24, 2009 at 05:56 PM